मंगलवार, 30 अगस्त 2016

गाय और इंसान - गौशास्त्र निति योजना खंड ::लेखक : डॉ. श्रीकृष्ण मित्तल B.Com(Hons) LLM, Ph.D

४.निति-योजना खंड
भारत की विभिन्न पंचवर्षीय योजनाओं में गोसंवर्धन और रक्षण
देश की स्वतन्त्रता के समय लगभग पन्द्रह करोड़ मवेशी और करोड़ ३० लाख भैंस थे और कृषिकार्यो में  बैल मुख्य साधन के रूप में कार्यरत्त थे.आयोग ने स्वीकार किया कि पशुधन का  वार्षिक सकल राष्ट्रीय आय में १००० करोड़ रुपये था जो कृषि,परिवहन और अन्य कार्यों के अलावा था . और लगभग १०% पशुधन अनुपयोगी था जिन्हें गोसदनों में भेजा जाना चाहिए क्योंकि यह चारे और भूमि पर भार माने गये थे 
·   योजना आयोग ने पशुधन की सुधार और अनुपयोगी पशुधन कोहटाने की अनुशंषा की .
·   दूसरी पंचवर्षीय योजना में फिर से यह घिसा-पिटा तर्क अध्याय 14 में दोहराया गया थाऔर यह देखा गया है कि 1/3 पशुसंख्या अनुपयोगी और चारा उपलब्धता पर भार है  और इसलिए  पैरा 4 और 5 में संविधान के निर्र्देशक सिधांत ४८-अको मान्यता देते हुए  पुनह: अनुपयोगी पशुओ को हटाने की अनुशंषा की 
·   तीसरी पंचवर्षीय योजना में अभी तक फिर से योजना आयोग, अध्याय 21 में, पैरा 12 के में अनुपयोगी पशु की समस्या पर चर्चा की और कहा कि "इस संख्या  की निराई पशु सुधार और व्यवस्थित प्रजनन कार्यक्रम के लिए एक आवश्यकता है". गोसदनो की स्थापना  कार्यक्रम को विफलता माना गया ,
·   चौथी पंचवर्षीय योजना में पशुपालन की स्थिति पर चर्चा करते हुए योजना आयोग के ने  पशु प्रजनन नीति और विकास कार्यक्रम योजना बनायीं (8.17 पैरा). चारा और खाद्दय की कमी  पशुओं की उत्पादकता वृद्धि में बाधा बताया गया 
·   इस ही प्रकार बाद की योजनाओं में, अनुपयोगी  या तथाकथित अलाभकर पशु की समस्या और इस कारण उन्हें काटने की  अनुमति की अनुशंषा की गयी  . 
·   सातवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना में, मवेशी विकास कार्यक्रम और नस्लप्रजनन मुख्य विषयों के रूप में ले जाया गया. भ्रूण स्थानांतरण तकनीक और प्रजनन के लक्ष्य रखे गये  थे .और आज भी इस विशाल रास्ट्रीय सम्पति के प्रति ये ही रूख देखा जाता है.
·   मांस और मांस उत्पादों पर, आयोग द्वारा गठित कार्य योजना उप - समूह सं. ११ : की दसवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना के लिए प्रस्ताव और कुछ सिफारिशें:-
·   मांस उत्पादन और निर्यात में वृद्धि के लिए खर्च Rs.1384 करोड़ से Rs.1804 करोड़ की वृद्धि की जानी चाहिए.
·   प्रति वर्ष 2 करोड़ रुपए की एक बजट के साथ राष्ट्रीय मांस बोर्ड गठित किया जाना चाहिए.
·   बैल और बैल की हत्या के लिए आयु सीमा 15 से 16 साल के लिए कम किया जाना चाहिए.
·   मांस के निर्यात पर प्रतिबंध हटा दिया जाना चाहिए.
·   दस महानगरों में 20 करोड़ रुपए की एक बड़ी क्षमता के बूचड़खानों स्थापित किया जाना चाहिए.
·   50 महत्वपूर्ण शहरों में, आधुनिक बूचड़खानों 5 रुपये प्रत्येक करोड़ रुपए की लागत पर खोला जाना चाहिए.
·   एक हज़ार गांवों में 5 लाख रुपए लागत के  वधघर प्रत्येक गाँव में  खोला जाना चाहिए.
·   पाँचसौ गांवों और १०शहरों में 2 करोड़ और  20 लाख रुपये, क्रमशः से माँस गौदाम और  कत्लघर  खोला जाने  चाहिए.
·   50 स्थानों में 20 लाख की लागत की  अस्थि मिल्स की विशेष यांत्रिक परियोजनाओं को खोला जाना चाहिए.
·   प्रत्येक विश्वविद्यालय में एक प्रशिक्षण केंद्र और५० लाख रुपए की लागत से खोले जाये जो माँस निर्यात और पशु हत्या पर शिक्षा दें 
निचोड़ ये ही है की देश की दुग्ध और कृषिहारा सम्पति को नकार कर विदेशी नस्लों को बढ़ावा, रासायनिक उर्वरक और कसाई खानों को प्रश्रय दिया गया परिणाम आज स्पष्ट और गोचर हैं. एक अनुमान अनुसार लगभग ४००करोड़ पशुधन का निर्मम संहार किया जा चुका है
पशुवध विषयों का पशु संवर्धन और डेरी विभाग को आवंटन
माँस या पशु हत्या  संविधान के VII भाग की किसी भी VII सुचिओं में नही रखा गया है. कार्य आवंटन नियम १९६१ संख्या . सप्तम  खंड की II सूची संख्या १५ के साथ में पशु सम्वर्धन, सुरक्षा और उन्नत्ति को रखा गया है . हालाँकि १९९४-९५ की पशु पालन और डेरी विभाग की वार्षिक रपट में बिना बताये की VII खंड की कोन सी सूची में है-पशु  उपयोग और पशु कत्ल रख दिया गया.    
गोहत्या पर विभिन्न समितियों / आयोगों के अनुशंसाएँ
सरदार दातार सिंह : सितम्बर १९४६ को अंतरिम सरकार बनी| तत्कालीन खाद्य मंत्री डॉ. राजेंदर प्रशाद ने सर दातारसिंह की अध्यक्षता में गौ सरक्षण व् गौपालन समिति का गठन किया जिसे  मवेशी संरक्षण और विकास समिति के रूप में जाना गया | इस समिति ने सभी विषयों पर अध्यन और विचार कर नवम्बर १९४८ को देश में पूर्ण गौवंश हत्या प्रतिबंध की संसुति और दो चरणों में दो वर्षों के अंदर गो हत्या पर  पूर्ण प्रतिबन्ध लगाने  की सिफारिश की थी 
(a) Animals over 14 years of age and unfit for work and breeding.
(b) Animals of any age permanently unable to work or breed owing to age, injury or deformity.
(ii) Unlicensed and unauthorised slaughter of cattle should be prohibited immediately and it should be made a cognizable offence under law.
(iii) The law for prohibiting slaughter of cattle totally should be enforced as early as possible but in any case within two years of enactment of the Act, (emphasis provided) during which period following necessary arrangements should be made for the maintenance and care of unserviceable and unproductive animals.
(a) A survery of the country should be conducted to find out the areas where Go-sadans may be established and all details with regard to expenditure, etc, should be worked out and arrangements therewith made.
(b) Necessary legislation for the raising of funds required should be enacted as follows:
(i) Gaushala cess, such as laga, Bitti, Katauti, Dharmada should be legalised and their collection regulated for the utilisation in the improvement of Gaushalas and Go-sadans.(ii) ...........(iii) .......... “
भारत के लगभग सभी  राज्य सरकारों द्वारा पशुओं के वध पर पूर्ण प्रतिबंध के पहले चरणकी दिशा में  अनुमोदन किया गया था  और  कुछ वर्षों के भीतरसभी  राज्यों में 14 वर्ष की आयु से नीचे के सभी गोवंश के वध पर प्रतिबंध लगाने कानून बनाऐ गए।
उत्तर प्रदेश में 1948 मेंएक विशेषज्ञ  समिति का जिसमे  जिसमे छत्तारी के नवाब न्यायमूर्ति महाराज सिंह (उत्तर प्रदेश उच्च न्यायालय के  न्यायाधीश आदि सभी समुदायों के गणमान्य प्रतिनिधि सम्मलित कर  गठन किया था ,  इस समिति ने सरदार दातार सिंह समिति की सिफारिशों का समर्थन किया. इस के अनुसार  1955 मेंउत्तर प्रदेश गाय वध निषेध अधिनियम अधिनियमित किया गया थालेकिन एक अपवाद के लिए हवाई अड्डों और रेलवे स्टेशनों पर बंद कंटेनर में  मांसआदि की बिक्री की अनुमति दी गयी 
आयुक्त श्री पी.एन. नंदा  : 1954 में दुधारू प्राणी  स्थायी रूप से शुष्क होने पर रक्षा के उपाय सुझाने के लिए  तत्कालीन पशुपालन आयुक्त श्री पी. =एन. नंदा की अध्यक्षता  में एक विशेषज्ञ समिति स्थापित की गयी. जनवरी  1955 में अपनी रिपोर्ट मेंसमिति ने कहा क्योंकि भारत में थोड़ा पशु चारा था,सूखे और हरे चारे की कमी को  ध्यान में रख  पशुओं के वध पर पूर्ण प्रतिबंध अवांछनीय होगा,  समिति   का तर्क था किदेश अपने पशुओं के 40% को पालन कर सकता है औरइसलिएशेष 60% पशु धन को समाप्त करना चाहिए 
माउन्ट आबू में केन्द्रीय गोसवर्धन परिसद   ने गोसवर्धन गोष्टी का आयोजन किया  जिसमे शुष्क होने वाले दुधारू प्राणी और उनके प्रजननसवर्धन के तरीके आदि पर विचार किया गया और क्रूरता निवारण अधिनियम की धाराओं का पूर्ण पालनसूखे प्रानिओं के यातायात भाड़े में छुट और सरकार द्वारा पशु आश्रयगृह निर्माण आदि की अनुशंषा की गयी. 
1.इस संगोष्टी में योजना आयोग सदस्य (कृषि) श्री श्रीमननारायण की अध्यक्षता में गहराई से परिक्षण कर उच्च नस्लों के संरक्षणशहरों में दुधारू पशु आयात रोक और संगोष्टी द्वारा अनुशंषा की गयी सिफारिशों पर  अमल आदि के विषय में सुझाने के लिए समिति का गठन किया. इस समिति ने १९६२ में सुझाव दिए की राज्य सरकारे दुधारू प्रानिओं के पंजीकरण और अन्य राज्यों में इनके विस्थापन को रोकने के लिए अधिनियाँ बनाएँ. केन्द्रीय खाद्य और कृषिमंत्रालय पशु संवर्धन और डेरी योजनाओं के लिए उच्च प्राथमिकता के साथ योजनाधन आवंटन और अधिनियम बनाए. पश्चिम बंगाल पशु हत्या निरोध अधिनियम का बल पूर्वक पालन और और नगरों में प्रतिबाधित मॉस की आपूर्ती और बिक्री रोकने को जरुरी परिवर्तन किये जाएँ तथा यह अधिनियम सभी नगरपालिकाओं में लागु करे जाएँ और गैर सरकारी संस्थाओं को भी इस के विभिन्न प्रावधानों के अनुपालन में साथ लिया जाए
1. कृषि पर बने  राष्ट्रीय कृषि आयोगने   1976 में प्रस्तुत अपनी रिपोर्ट में   पशुपालन पर कई सिफारिशों को अपने भाग VII का हीस्सा बनाया. भाग VI  (मवेशी और भैंस पर) में सिफारिशों के अध्याय 28इस प्रकार हैं:
1.      पशु और भैंसों के प्रजनन और उत्पादक क्षमता में सुधार करने के लिए बड़े पैमाने पर कार्यक्रम किया जाना चाहिए. निम्न नस्ल  (पशुधन) को उत्तरोत्तर समाप्त किया जाना चाहिए ताकि सीमित फ़ीड और चारा संसाधनों उच्च उत्पादन जानवरों के उचित खिलाने के लिए उपलब्ध रहे  (अध्याय 28, भाग VII - सिफारिश नंबर 1)
2.      भविष्य में दूध उत्पादन में वृद्धि और बैलों की कार्य कुशलता अनुसार पशु और भैंस के विकास पर  सुधार लाने पर योजना बनाई जानी चाहिए  (अध्याय 28, भाग VII - सिफारिश  5)
3.      डेयरी पशुओं के आयात के लिए  अप्रवासी भारतीय को प्रोत्साहित कर आयात के व्यय के लिए विदेशी मुद्रा प्रदान करे  जो उनसे रूपये में लिया जा सकता है 
4.      भैंस केवल दूध उत्पादन बढ़ाने के लिए ही नही  लेकिन  मांस का उत्पादन का एक स्रोत बनाने के लिए विकसित किया जाना चाहिए.
5.      भैंस के मांस में निर्यात व्यापार का विकास किया जाना चाहिए.
6.      निर्यात व्यापार भैंस के मांस के लिए भैंस के मांस भैंस के बछड़े विशेषताओं में सुधार के द्वारा विकसित किया जाना चाहिए.
7.      यांत्रिक बूचड़खानों का  आधुनिकीकरण  तुरंत किया जाना चाहिए.
भारतीय संसद के अंदर गौवंश रक्षा, सम्वर्धन, गौशाला, कसाईखाना, मांस निर्यात आदि विभिन्न विषयों पर प्रश्न उठाये जाते रहे है| परन्तु गत केन्द्रीय सरकार का एक ही उत्तर पाया जाता है कि यह राज्यों का विषय है| वोह सरकार जो सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्णय को पलटने के लिए सम्विधान में परिवर्तन कर सकती थी उसे देश के करोडो गौभक्तों की प्रार्थना, याचिका आदि का कोई प्रभाव नही पड़ा था| कुछ वर्ष पूर्व कुछ प्राणी प्रेमियों ने जैन साधू जी की प्रेरणा से एक याचिका राज्यसभा की याचिका समिति के समक्ष प्रस्तुत की| याचिका समिति के अध्यक्ष श्री भगतसिंह जी कोशियारी जी ने इसका संज्ञान लिया और हजारो प्रतिवेदन, निजी साक्षताकार, बहस, दौरे आदि कर के अपना महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय दिया और अवैधानिक कसायिखानो, गौमांस निर्यात आदि पर रोक लगाने के निर्णय दिए|
भारतीय जीव जन्तू कल्याण बोर्ड
भारत के संविधान में गोवंश की सुरक्षा, सम्वर्धन आदि निदेशित सिधांत ४८ में विषय राज्यों को दिए गए लेकिन अत्यंत क्रूरता देखते हुए केन्द्रीय सरकार ने १९६० में प्राणी क्रूरता निवारण अधिनियम पारित किया और इसकी कार्य और अनुपालन के लिए एक केन्द्रीय संस्था यानी भारतीय जीवजन्तु  कल्याण बोर्ड की संरचना की गयी|
एक संविधानिक संस्था के रूप में अधिनियम की धारा ४ में १९६२ में प्रसिध प्राणीप्रेमी श्रीमति रुकमणि देवी अरुंडेल की अध्यक्षता में  इसका गठन किया गया. प्रारम्भ में कृषि पशुपालन मंत्रालय के आधिन प्राणी कल्याण विभाग विभिन्न मंत्रालयों में घूमता रहा और गत १५ वर्षो से वन व् पर्यावरण मंत्रालय के मातहत कार्यरत है| प्राणी कल्याण  नियमो के देश में पालन, सरकार को सलाह और प्राणी संस्थाओ को सहायता आदि विषयों में रत यह बोर्ड गत ५० वर्षों से देश के प्राणी कल्याण के चेहरे के रूप में जाना जाता है.
बोर्ड में २८ सदस्य प्रति ३ वर्षो के लिए विभिन्न श्रेणियों में सरकार द्वारा चयनित किये जाते थे लेकिन २००६ में इसे लाभ का पद घोषित करने के पश्चात ६ सांसदों के पद रिक्त चले आ रहे है.
श्रीमती रुक्मणि देवी अरुन्डेल, श्रीगौरीशंकर मूंदडा, से.नि.लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल  डॉ. चटर्जी, से.नि. मुख्य न्यायाधीश श्री गुमानमल लोढा और से.नि. मेजर जनरल डॉ. आर एम् खर्ब आदि प्राणी प्रेमियों के मार्ग दर्शन में यह बोर्ड देश में लगभग ३१६० विभिन्न प्राणी कल्याण संस्थाओं को मान्यता प्रदान कर चूका है और केन्द्रीय सरकार की विभिन्न सहायता योजनाएं जैसे प्राणी गृह निर्माण, वाहन खरीद, स्वान बधियाकरण,प्राकृतिक आपदा व् साधारण अनुदान आदि  देते हुए इन संस्थाओं को आगे बढ़ा रहा है ||
राष्ट्रीय पशु आयोग
१९९९ में सत्ता परिवर्तन के पश्चात नई सरकार ने कार्य के लिए दी.माननीय प्रधान मंत्री श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी, उपप्रधानमंत्री श्री लालकृष्ण अडवानी, कृषिमंत्री श्री राजनाथसिंह जी ने राष्ट्र के साथ वचन निभाने और देश के समक्ष गौवंश की वास्तविक स्तिथि रखने गौवंश सुरक्षा, सम्वर्धन और विकास हेतु राष्ट्रीय पशु आयोग   National Commission on Cattle का गठन किया था| जिसके कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष न्यायमूर्ति श्री गुमानमल लोढा जी बनाए गये. देश के विख्यात विधि शास्त्री, कृषि और पशु व विज्ञानिक, समाजसेवक जैसे न्यायमूर्ति श्री रंगनाथ मिश्र, श्री केसरीचंद जी मेहता, श्री भंवरलाल जी कोठारी, श्रीमती गौहर अज़ीज़, श्री रामपाल नूतन,  श्री कस्तूरीलाल जी गोधा, श्री सुनील मानसिंहका, श्री हुकुमचंद जी सावला आदि,  जिन्होंने अनथक पूर्ण देश के दौरों, जनसभा द्वारा जनमानस की जानकारी संयोज कर, सरकारी तन्त्र से राज्यों की स्तिथि लेकर महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियां और सुझाव  लगभग १७५० पन्नो-४ खंडो में संग्रहित किये और कार्यवाही हेतु निधारित समय के अन्दर बड़ी ही विस्तृत और महत्वपूर्ण रिपोर्ट भारत सरकार को समर्पित की|
संसद में इस विषय पर चर्चा भी हुयी लेकिन सरकार के घटक जैसे कु.ममता बेनर्जी, श्री चंद्रबाबू नायडू आदि ने छुद्र वोट और अल्पसंख्यक राजनीती के तहत देश में पूर्णगौवंश हत्या निषेध पारित नही होने दिया| आज भी गौवंश विषय पर इस रपट का पूर्ण महत्व है और हर गौभक्त की लिए पठनीय है|आयोग ने मुख्यत:  निम्नलिखित  समितियों का गठन किया 
1.   पशु विधि विधान का पालन समिति
2.   गौवंश द्वारा उत्पादित वस्तुओं पर समिति
3.   गौशाला, गौसदन, पिंजरापोल, चारागाह और चारा विकास समिति
4.   नस्ल सुधार समिति
The Recommendations of the National Commission on Cattle are as follows:            Main recommendations:
1.   The Prohibition for slaughter of cow and its progeny, which would include bull, bullocks, etc., should be included in Fundamental Rights or as a Constitutional Mandate anywhere else, as an Article of the Constitution. It should not be kept only in the Directive Principles or / Fundamental duties as neither of these are enforceable by the courts.
2.   The amendment of the Constitution should also be made for empowering the Parliament to make a Central Law for the prohibition of slaughter of cow and its progeny and further for prohibition of their transport from one State to another. This may be done by shifting the subject and relevant item from the State List to the Central List, or at least to the Concurrent List in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution.
3.   The Parliament should then make a Central Law, applicable to all States, prohibiting slaughter of cow and its progeny. Violation of the Law should be made a non-bailable and cognizable offence. There should be provision for sessions trials for offences committed under the Law, with a punishment of a minimum of three years of rigorous imprisonment and maximum 10 years of rigorous imprisonment with fine. The burden of proof should be on the accused to prove his innocence.
4.   The Central Government should constitute a permanent National Cattle Development Commission or Rashtriya Goseva Ayog for preservation and development of cattle all over the country. The Commission should be provided with adequate funds, of say, at least Rs. 100 crores per year 
5.   There should be a separate Ministry for Cattle Preservation and Development. It should not be under the Department of Animal Husbandry, whose basic mandate is not for cattle preservation but for livestock development and for production of livestock products, including meat products.
6.   The Animal Husbandry Department should be reorganized and the subjects allotted to it and the objectives given to it, should be for preservation and development of animals and not for animal food by way of meat, etc.
7.   No FINANCIAL aids should be given by Animal Husbandry or Agriculture Departments for construction, renovation or maintenance of slaughter houses. 
8.   There should be a complete ban on export of beef and veal. Also, steps should be taken to ensure that beef or veal is not allowed to be exported under the guise or pretext of buffalo meat
9.   The Central Government should ensure constitution and functioning of Goseva Ayogs in each of the States and also provide these bodies with adequate funds. These Ayogs should be monitored by the “Rashtriya Go Seva Ayog” to be set up by the Government of India, as proposed above.
10.  hThe implementation of the Cattle Protection Laws should be ensured through the following:
11.  Creation of Central Cattle Protection – Rapid Task Police Force with regional offices and branches in all States. It should have a special force deputed on the Bangladesh border to prevent the cattle exodus from the border States and also on the Kerala’s borders with Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
12.  In view of Articles 48 and 51 (g) of the Constitution of India, appropriate directions may be given under Article 355 or any such provision of the Constitution, to Kerala, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Manipur and other North Eastern States to enforce the prohibition on slaughter of the cow and its progeny. Special directions may be given to Kerala to stop importing cattle from neighbouring States for slaughter.
13.  The provision of the existing laws for prevention of cruelty to cattle during transport by rail, truck, road or otherwise, should be effectively enforced. Cruelty to cows during extraction or let-down of milk by giving injections, such as oxytocin, should be prohibited by law and the prohibition should be enforced.
14.  The Government should issue a Circular banning production of leather of slaughtered cattle and a mechanism for its enforcement should be evolved. Export of goods made of such leather should be banned.
15.  The penal laws of preventive arrest and detention like POTO, etc., should be amended to detain smugglers and organised mafia gangs, who indulge in large-scale smuggling of cattle to Bangladesh, West Bengal and Kerala and also in sale of cattle to illegal slaughter houses, operating all over the country. 
16.  Cross-breeding of indigenous breeds with imported cattle like Jersey should be prohibited, especially in the breeding tracts of important indigenous breeds. Conservation and preservation of these indigenous breeds should be encouraged. A National Breeding Policy should be evolved and special plans should be developed and implemented, with sizeable financial assistance for developing and preserving indigenous breeds throughout India. 
17.   Subsidies for purchase of tractors and mechanical appliances for Agriculture should be stopped. Instead, the use of bullocks in ploughing and bullock-driven tractors, generation of power through indigenous electrical equipment and carts should be subsidized, promoted and encouraged.
18.  The report of the Organic Manure Task Force Committee 2001 should be accepted and its recommendations implemented intotal.
19.  The use and production of chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides should be discouraged, subsidies on these items should be reduced or abolished altogether. The use of organic manure should be subsidised and promoted.
20.  The recommendation of the XI Sub Group (on Meat Sector) set up by the Planning Commission for the 10th Plan proposals should be rejected outright. 
21.  Gaushalas, Gosadans and Pinjrapoles should be organized through voluntary organizations both by Central and State Governments. The Government should give financial aid for construction and maintenance of such Gaushalas on the basis of matching grants for day-to-day expenses; and 70 per cent grant for capital expenses for construction. They must be allowed free land or land at concessional rates, both for construction and for grazing purposes. Sufficient land should also be given for growing fodder for the cattle in these organisations.
22.  Pasture lands should be protected, developed and provided for grazing of cattle belonging to farmers at the village level. Forest laws should be amended to provide grazing facilities for cattle within the forest areas or in the outlying lands fringing on the forests.
23.  The use of Gobar (cow dung) and Gomutra (cow urine) of indigenous breeds of cattle should be promoted extensively in agriculture in the form of different manures, composts, Pest-repellents and pesticides. 
24.  Encouragement should be given to research in cow urine therapy such as that done by the Govigyan Anusandan Kendra, Devalapar, Nagpur and CSIR at Lucknow and other centers, which led to the recent grant of American Patent No.6410059 for use of cow urine “Ark” (Distillate) for enhancing the effect of anti-cancer medicines.
25.  The Information and Broadcasting Ministry should under take propagation for awareness campaign of qualities and virtues of cow milk, cow products, cow urine and cow dung. Acceptance of “Panchgavya” by Ayurvedic Sytem of Medicines should be widely propagated and its benefits explained to the people. The medicines from cow products and organic manure utilization should also be given wide publicity by Government Media. 
26.  In the education and awareness campaign, “Farmans” issued by various Mughal emperors, Akbar, Humayun, Jahangir, and Bahadur Shah Zafar prohibiting cow slaughter during their rule should be widely advertised both in electronic media and other media.
27.  In the educational curriculum, the subjects should be introduced on Panchgavya therapy, cow milk, cow urine and other by products of cow, the use of cow and bullock in agriculture, organic manure and medicines prepared from cow dung and cow urine.
28.   All India University should be established for the above and such subjects should be introduced in all Universities particularly Agricultural Universities and on Animal Sciences and in Veterinary Colleges and Universities and Hospitals.
29.  The cultivation of fodder & manufacture of cattle feed should  be encouraged. The States should be asked to ensure production of fodder and feed in proportion to the size of their cattle population.
30.  In some States, such as Punjab and Haryana, standing crop residues which can be used as fodder are burnt. This should be made a penal offence as precious fodder is being wasted, whereas many States are deficient in fodder.
31.  On the pattern of Food Corporation of India, a Fodder Corporation of India should be constituted and branches should be established in each State with storage facilities.
32.  The Agricultural Universities and Agriculture Ministry with Forest Ministry collaboration should ensure special fodder production drive. The State Governments and the Central Government should subsidise the fodder sale on the pattern of food subsidies given to ‘Below Poverty Line’ (BPL) Indian citizens from ration shops, through the Public Distribution System.
33.   A circular should be sent by the Central Government directing that the State laws and Municipality laws, prohibiting keeping of cattle in Civil Lines and cities, should be suitably amended to permit the house owner to keep 2 to 4 cows and their progeny in their houses or campus even in the city areas or town areas. At the same time, strict action should be taken against those cattle owners who allow their cattle loose on the streets. 
34.  A circular should be sent to the State Governments Panchayats and Municipalities to regulate control, remove and maintain the stray cattle wandering on streets and roadsides without owners. They should be kept in cattle houses or cattle compounds to be maintained by the local Self-Government institutions, Municipalities and Panchayats.
35.  The Commission recommends that early steps may be taken for a Parliamentary Legislation applicable to the whole country by repealing various legislations now in force and a resolution as contemplated in Article 249 (i) may be passed by the Rajya Sabha or action under Article 252 could also be initiated, and a central legislation on the subject could be brought about to achieve the desired objects and the common problems in different States could be taken care of by such common legislation.
36.  While amending the Fundamental Rights chapter of the Constitution, a proviso to Article 19 may be added after sub clause 5 “ provided, the right to carry on anyTRADE or business shall not in any way extend to the slaughter of the cow and its progeny and / or to conduct businessTRADE in Beef”.
37.  Similar proviso to be added to Article 301 “provided, the right to carry on any trade or business shall not in anyway extend to the slaughter of the cow and its progeny and/or to conduct business/trade in Beef”
38.  In the Concurrent List, the following to be added:
39.  Prohibition of Slaughter of cow and its progeny.
40.  Laws relating to the movement of cow and its progeny from State to State.
41.  To declare the Indian breeds as the national wealth of India and no slaughter of any native breed of our country shall be permitted at any cost. 
42.  It is recommended that a Central Cattle Commission be permanently constituted, which shall have as representatives, at least eight Members / Directors, one each in charge of i) feed and fodder; ii) cattle movement; iii) on enforcement; iv) grazing lands; v) breeding; vi) research, analysis and development; vii) organic farming; and viii) veterinary medical services. Such cattle commissions should also be set up in each State. 
43.  Grazing lands should compulsorily be set apart, whether Government allotted or temple lands. Use of these lands should be exclusively made available only for cattle grazing and should not be allowed for any other use.
44.  If there are any grazing or pasturelands, which have been encroached upon, the encroachment should be immediately removed by the concerned Government authorities.
45.  Every State must have a Breed Center, which should concentrate on the development of the indigenous breeds and not on foreign breeds. These breeding centers should also upgrade and develop the breeds.
46.  A Cattle Census should be taken regularly and its results compiled speedily. Breed-wise numbers should be recorded and every indigenous breed must be registered. 
47.   A Cattle Laws Enforcement Directorate should be constituted, which shall be in charge of the movement of cows, bulls, bullocks and calves from place to place and State to State and also monitor whether the cow / cattle moved out from one State, has been utilized for the purpose for which it was sought to be moved. 
48.  Centres for promotion of the usage of cow urine, dung and Panchagavya, medicines, etc and also research centers to be constituted for the promotion of production and use of alternative source of energy, such as Gobar gas, alternative methods of farming, through use of draught animal power, organic manure, cow urine pesticides etc. 
49.  Export and Import of beef to be totally banned.
50.  Save the Indian Breeed” Campaign to be launched all over the country.
51.  There must be a constitutional status of Cow as the National Animal (Rashtriya Prani) and killing of cow and its progeny should be made a constitutional offence.
52.  All types of manufacture, sale, use and import of Polythene Bags should be banned and prohibited.
53.  Throwing eatables or eatable waste in polythene bags on the streets, roads or in dust bins, within the reach of cattle consumption, should be made a penal offence.
54.  The Government should encourage and implement breeding policy by which a genetic improvement and upgradation of existing cross-bred cattle should be brought about by further crossing with good indigenous breeds.
55.  The auctioning of all the working bullocks in the Municipality Corporations, Panchayats and other places should be stopped. Instead, they should be given retirement and maintained till they die their natural deaths. Their work had been utilized throughout their working life and after that their dung can continue to be used for production of organic manure..
56.  Temples and religious places, should be prohibited from selling or auctioning the cattle, which are donated or gifted by worshippers. The trustees of these places should either keep the cattle in their own Goshalas or give them to nearby Goshalas for maintenance. 
57.  The various recommendations made by the Commission are based on the suggestions given by the Committees on different issues, given in the relevant Chapters viz. Chapter III on Administration of cattle laws; ChapterIV on Legislation; Chapter V on economic contribution of cattle and by products of cow and its progeny; Chapter VI on Goshalas and Fodder; and Chapter VI on Breeding and preservation and improvement of breeds. The Commission recommends that the detailed suggestions given by these Committees, should be also accepted and implemented by the concerned Department or Departments of the Government of India and the State Governments and treated as the recommendations of the Commission itself. The recommendations of the individual Committees are summarized below.
1) The Government of India must enact a Central Legislation for protection of cattle wealth and totally prohibiting its slaughter. The inclusion of the subject of animal husbandry in the State list is not a impossible hurdle to overcome. This issue should be considered as an issue of vital national interest and rising above politics, the Parliament must enact a Constitution amendment to bring the subject in the Concurrent List to enable the Parliament to enact the law.
2) In the meantime, all the State laws should be studied by a Central agency (if possible by the Law Commission) and they should suggest amendment in laws to bring about consistencies in definitions and other provisions. The provisions regarding definitions, scope, burden of proof, cognizability of the offence, penal provisions etc. should be made uniform. The arbitrary powers given to the Competent authorities (which are mainly veterinary doctors) should be withdrawn and some other arrangement must be thought about.
3) The Home Ministry should direct the States to constitute special squads in the Police department to check illegal slaughter, illegal transportation within the States and outside the State, particularly to Kerala and West Bengal. They should be directed to extend full support, co-operation and protection to animal welfare activists. They should also be directed to immediately register FIRs, institute legal cases and ensure their speedy disposal, so that the culprits are punished as per law.
4) In many State Acts there are a number of exemptions from the main provisions imposing complete / partial ban on slaughter. The exemptions are used more as rule and the very purpose of the legislation gets defeated. Hence any type of exemptions should not be provided in the Act.
5) Special arrangements to check smuggling on the boundaries with Bangladesh in the East and Pakistan in the West (Gujarat / Kutch borders) should be made. If necessary a section of BSF or Army may be entrusted with this responsibility.
6) The Government should impose a total ban on meat exports, which alone can check slaughter of cattle for clandestine export of beef in the guise of buffalo meat.
7) Express provisions for granting custody of cattle, which are seized while being taken for illegal slaughter, to the animal welfare organistions must be made in all the State laws together with provisions for payment of maintenance charges to these organisations.
8) Booking of cattle for transportation for any purpose by railways must be completely banned. The high cost of road transportation will act as some impediment to illegal transportation for slaughter.
9) The Government should come out with provisions in State laws for confiscation of vehicles (trucks/tempos) used by the meatTRADERS  for illegal transportation of cattle. Similar provisions for confiscation of vehicles, used in theft / smuggling of forest produce, exist in forest laws. 
10) The Transportation of Cattle Rules under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 should be strictly implemented and, even otherwise, the implementation agencies must be strengthened and oriented to the need for cattle preservation.
11) The penal provisions in the State laws as well as in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act should be more stringent with higher fines and longer terms of imprisonment. There should also be a provision for automatic review of acquittal orders of the Lower Courts by a superior court. 
12) Temples should not be permitted to auction the cows and calves received as ‘gifts’ or ‘donations’ from devotees. 
II.Committeeon Legislation: Suggestions &Recomondations
1) The Commission recommends that early steps may be taken for a Parliamentary Legislation applicable to the whole country by repealing various legislations now in force (paragraph 16 – Part I).
2) The Commission is of the view that Entry 15 of List II should be shifted to List III to enable Parliament to give proper attention to the matter and bring about proper legislation (paragraph 18 – Part I).
3) Early steps should be taken to move the Supreme Court for a review of the judgement delivered in Hanif’s case, in respect of the third category shown in the judgement (paragraph 25 – Part 1). 
4) There should be a provision embodied in the Act recognizing the right of the Indian Citizen to a slaughter-less society of the cattle species and, extending the protection to the two categories now excluded from protection, namely bulls and bullocks after they have ceased to be capable of breeding or working as draught animals should be provided by law (Paragraph 26 – Part I).
5) The Commission suggests to the Central Government to create public opinion against beef-eating and stop killing of the bull and bullocks in addition to cows and calves (Paragraph 27 – Part I).
6) The Commission recommends that the existing law should be strictly followed and penal action should be effective, so that violation is reduced and the law is implemented
II. Committee on Bio Products,Dung,Urine,Electricity,Biogas
Intensive efforts must be initiated immediately to identify and preserve all the indigenous breeds of cows and bulls.
2. Policy of cross breeding with exotic breeds must be reviewed immediately. Efforts must be made to upgrade indigenous breeds with suitable other indigenous breeds. Such cross breeding must be made with well-defined aims and objectives and must be based on scientific and genetic characters. Cross breeding policy must be reviewed
periodically on the basis of the results of previous experiments.A central / regional cattle research institute be established to serve as a guide for this purpose. 
3. Research programmes, as identified below, should be undertaken, encouraged and supported in national institutions, universities and non-government institutions: 
1) Genetic and other studies necessary for characterization of indigenous cattle breeds and for using as parameters for selection of breed for indigenous intra-breed cross breeding with an aim to upgrade them.
2) Identification of anatomical characters (such as hump), which are characteristics of indigenous breeds and to study their physiological significance.
3) Comparative chemical, microbiological and immunological analysis of milk and urine and dung of various indigenous cattle breeds and buffaloes with special reference to their agricultural, medicinal and nutritional significance.
4) Chemical and microbiological analysis of fertilizers and pest repellants, produced from cattle urine and dung with a view to serve as evaluation parameters of these products.
5) Technological studies for optimization of production operations involved in agricultural products from cattle.
6) Determination of quality control parameters for raw materials and finished products from cattle. Attention may also be given to various stages of development and physiological condition of health & diseases when such raw materials may be accepted or rejected.
7) Verification of clinical and medicinal claims made in ancient literature related to health sciences with regard to medicinal properties of products obtained from various breeds of cattle. Pharmacological, microbiological, immunological, and toxicological studies of these remedies.
8) Development of best-suited technological operations which are necessary for optimal efficacy of the medicinal products obtained from cattle urine, dung, milk, buttermilk and Ghee and any other such product.
9) Determination of quality control parameters for raw materials including age, health and physiological status of cow used for production of medicinal products from milk, Ghee, butter-milk, urine and dung (and any other secretion) of cows.
10) Research on bio-fertilizers and bio-pest repellants to determine their soil and crop specificity. Composition and efficacy of fertilizer obtained from dead cow’s horn merits special attention.
11) Influence of cow’s urine on rate of germination of seeds and plant growth. Presence of plant and human immuno-stimulant substances in cow’s urine
12) Development and evaluation of technology for production of mechanical, thermal and electrical energy from cattle.
13) Efficacy and utility of radiation-preventing ability of cow dung.
14) Development of eco-friendly methods of disposal or replacement by other suitable substitutes of polythene bags and other materials.
15) Utilization of cow’s milk as immunogen transmission vehicles through hyper-immune cow.
16) Use of lactic acid bacteria as nutrient and for medicinal purpose especially for production of antibiotic substances.
17) Suitability of species of earthworm for production of Vermicompost and their ecological effect.
18) Plant Antibiotic substances in cow’s urine
19) A `cow urine concoction’ is seen to be useful in medical practice in many ways in the country. Usefulness of such formulation from indigenous species may be investigated.
20) Technology and quality control aspects of cosmetic products from products of cattle.
4. A broad-based review committee be constituted at national level which should review the progress in the area of research and utilization of cattle products. The committee should guide the various research institutions, other organizations and departments involved for means of optimal utilization of cattle products.
5. Possibility of utilizing vegetable and kitchen waste in all the municipal areas in the country for production of vermicompost should be seriously examined and implemented wherever feasible. Such efforts are in progress in the city of Mumbai and advantage could be derived from that experience.
6. Indiscriminate throwing of plastic and polyethylene bags must be banned. A suitable systematic plan of disposal of plastic & polyethylene bags must be evolved and implemented. A public education program in this respect must be initiated.
7. Education programme for farmers concerning benefits of organic farming by using bio-fertilizers and bio - pest repellants must be started. Agricultural universities and departments and non-government organization may be involved in such programmes.
8. The useful medicinal products are available from cattle products. The drug control authorities in the country should, after thorough examination, include such products in Indian pharmacopia so that their production and quality may be suitably standardized.
9. Use of oestrogens and similar drugs increasing the yield of milk of cows should be banned for reasons of health of cows.
10. Utilization of cattle and cattle products (dung cake and biogas) as source of thermal, mechanical and electrical energy should be encouraged and subsidized. 
III. Econonomi Contribution of Cattle Products & Bi Products
Data and Research
1) A sound data-base or data-collection system be developed, which would throw up data regarding cattle numbers, numbers of work animals, energy outputs, milk production, dung and urine utilisation, number of bio-gas plants, etc. 
2) An inventory should be drawn up of all research that has been conducted, be it on organic farming and composting, cow urine therapy etc. 
3) A programme for conduct of scientific research into several aspects of the issue should be drawn up, with special focus on the subjects given in detail in the Recommendations.
Organic manure & Composting techniques
4) Improved methods of composting should be popularised amongst farmers by large-scale training programmes and demonstration through the extension networks. NGOs like Goshalas should be involved in this activity.
5) Awareness about the efficacy and utility of dung-based manure and compost should be spread far and wide, through the use of the various forms of media, including audio-visual, print and through Krishi Vigyan Kendras and information kiosks at the village level.
6) Facilities for certification of organically produced vegetables, grains and other crops should be made available to the farmers, who can obtain a better remuneration for their organically-produced products.
7) Marketing and transport of these labelled products should be facilitated. 
8) If possible, in the initial period at least, subsidies should be given for production of organic produce, rather than subsidising the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
Milk and Milk Products
9) Cow’s milk should be separately labelled and marketed on a large scale, for which labelling should be made mandatory. 
10) The pricing policy based on fat content of milk, (which favours buffalo milk, leading to an ever-widening preference of the farmer to keep milch buffaloes rather than cows) needs a serious re-look to correct the tilt in favour of the buffalo.
11) The benefits of taking cow’s milk should be propagated and awareness should be spread through an aggresive media campaign, holding of seminars etc. 
Utilisation of cattle urine
12) For collection of urine, proper sheds with appropriate channels in the floor need to be set up, for which advice may be given to the farmers. 
13) Subsidies could be given for construction of special sheds.
14) Subsidies could also be given for collection and transportation of the products to the manure or medicine-producing facilities, if they are at a distance from the source.
15) Special efforts may be made to popularise the use of Panchagavya treatment, by spreading awareness about its efficacy in curing various diseases. 
16) Similarly, the efficacy of cow urine therapy, based on properly documented trials and research studies, may be made known to the general public.
17) However, while procedures for grant of licences for production of these medicines may be simplified, care needs to be taken to ensure that quacks are not able to take advantage of the simplified procedures, as this would be to the detriment of the patients seeking relief, as has happened in some stray cases. 
Carcass utilisation after natural death of cattle
18) In the matter of carcass utilisation, the collection of horns and other products like hides and skins from dead cattle should be organized properly. 
19) New technologies should be used for carcass utilisation, so that the economy can gain from the benefits, bestowed by the benevolent cow, which even gives to mankind after her death. The employment of the rural population engaged in this trade will not be disturbed if this is done.
Draught Animal Power
20) Tractorisation needs to be curbed and the use of draught cattle for agricultural purposes as well as for transport needs to be restored, by developing improved ploughing implements and harnesses. 
21) Special draught breeds of cattle should be developed and improved genetically, so that this valuable source of energy remains available to the farmer, especially the small and marginal farmers. 
Co-ordination amongst agencies
22) There should be a nodal body for co-ordinating with the different Government Departments and other agencies in the matter of organic farming and the utilisation of cattle dung and urine for composting. 
23) Similarly, there should be a coordinating body for use of draught animal power, which is presently with the Department of Non-conventional Energy Sources, whereas, tractorisation and mechanisation are with the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation and breeding and bullock production are with the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. 
Role of Goshalas, Gosadans etc.
24) The roles of Goshalas, Gosadans and Panjarapoles should be enhanced for evolution of better manures, pesticides and medicines.
25) These organisastions should be encouraged to become self-sustaining by selling or properly utilising the dung and urine from even dry cattle. 
26) They should be given grants in the initial stages to develop self-sufficiency by adopting modern methods of collection and usage of these products.
27) They should lay down time-bound programmes with firm plans of action to achieve self-sufficiency and these programmes should be closely monitored and subsequent grants with-held if the targets are not achieved. On the other hand, if the targets are achieved within the scheduled times, additional incentives and awards should be given. 
28) Bio-gas generation should be given impetus in a big way.
29) Research for production of new and improved cost-effective plants should be encouraged. 
30) The benefits of using such plants should be explained to farmers with regard to how they can meet their energy needs, at the same time, producing valuable manure in the form of the residual slurry.
31) The ecological and environmental aspects of bio-gas generation needs to be studied and quantified. The results of such studies, in terms
of the saving of forests, reduction in pollution caused by burning of diesel and other fuels need to be analysed and conveyed to the general populace, especially in the rural areas, to bring home to them the real benefits of saving the cow and its progeny. 
IV. Committee on Gaushalas etc & Fodder suggestions / Recommendations  Strengthening of Gaushalas (Paragraph 28) 
1) Gaushalas should be motivated to make the best use of their so-far under-utilized resources, viz cow dung and cow urine. 
2) At least one Gaushala in each District should be got developed into a ‘Krishi-Govigyan Anusandhan Kendra’ with units to demonstrate the processes and methods for making Nadep Compost, Vermi-compost, bio-pesticides and for generating bio-energy. 
3) A Laboratory and Documentation Centre may be set up at each Division Headquarters or for a cluster of Districts for testing the bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides prepared at ‘Krishi Go-Vigyan Anusandhan Kendras’. 
4) A suitable fraction of the Krishi Mandi Tax may be used for maintaining the Kendras and Laboratories proposed to be established, as has been done in U.P. 
5) The Gaushalas may get their workers trained at the ‘Krishi Go-vigyuan Anusandhan Kendras’. 
6) The State Government concerned should provide water and electricity to Gaushalas and Pinjarapoles at concessional rates. 
7) The Animal Husbandry Department of the State should ensure that complete veterinary cover is provided to Gaushalas and Pinjarapoles. 
8) A well-equipped and far-reaching extension service should be organised by the Animal Husbandry Department, independent of the Agriculture Extension Service, which mainly concentrates only on crop extension work. 
9) Arrangements should be made for providing adequate financial assistance to Gaushalas and Pinjarapoles for building up their  infrastructure. Funds could be raised by levying a cess on export of leather and leather goods. 
10) Scheme of working capital loan may be introduced for Gaushalas, Gausadans and Pinjarapoles. The State Governments can create venture capital funds for this purpose in collaboration with NABARD. 
11) Gaushala Credit Cards, on the lines of the KisanCREDIT CARD, should be given to Gaushalas, in which credit is given against future production of milk, bio-fertilisers, bio-pesticides, panchagavaya medicines etc. may also help solve the problem of working capital. Under this scheme, Gaushalas will get credit against their future production of milk, bio-fertilizer, bio-pesticide and panchgavya medicine etc. 
12) The State Government should evolve a marginMONEY scheme for Gaushalas, on the lines of KVIC’s Margin Money Scheme. Alternatively, a soft loan scheme can be introduced. 
13) Contributions for running of Gaushalas such as Lag, Biti, Katauti and Dharmada etc. should be legalised and their collection be regulated for utilisation in the improvement of Gaushalas and Pinjarapoles. 
14) Donations made to the registered Krishi Govigyan Anusandhan Kendras be made completely Tax free under section 35 AC of Income Tax. 
15) For good working arrangements between Gaushalas-Pinjarapoles and the State Governments, a cell should be created in the Department of Animal Husbandry under a competent authority. 
16) State Governments should organise annual meetings at State-level between managers of Gaushalas-Pinjarapoles in the State and concerned State Government functionaries dealing with RD, AH and other Departments. 
17) An intensive training programme should be undertaken so that they can understand the economic prospects of their own resources in the form of cow dung and cow urine. 
Feed and Fodder Development – Paragraph 41
18) Efforts should be made to change the mindset of agriculture scientists from crop culture to sustainable animal culture in rain-fed areas of the country, where livestock contribution to the family income can be more than 70%. 
19) The State Governments should have time-bound drives to evacuate Charagah lands and also have ‘on-the-spot fast-track courts’ to deal with cases of unauthorised occupation of these lands. 
20) While alloting ‘sivay chak’ (govt. land), it should be ensured that priority is given to the Gaushalas. In command areas, some patches should be kept reserved for Gosadans and Gaushalas. 
21) The concerned Gram Panchayats should be involved in the allotment process of grazing ‘Beeds’ in forest areas. Also, the charges should be just nominal. 
22) The forest authorities should develop these ‘beeds’ into first-rate grazing grounds, with the addition of fodder grasses and fodder trees such as ‘khejri’, ‘Ber’, ‘Aru’ etc. 
23) ‘Charagah Conservation Committees’ should be set up to create awareness amongst the villagers, about the importance of conserving these lands. Representatives from forest, revenue, agriculture and Panchayati Raj institutions should also be involved. 
24) Wastelands should be converted into grazing lands by planting grasses and fodder trees. This should be the responsibility of Gram Panchayats. The State Governments should give rewards to such village Panchayats. 
25) The vast areas of non-forest forests, should be utilised for developing good grazing lands, for which time-bound projects should be taken up by the State Forest Departments. 
26) Gaushalas should be exempted from the provisions of the Land Ceiling Acts in the States. 
27) A scheme for production of fodder seeds of high quality should be developed and these should be made available at reasonable prices to the farmers. High-yielding, drought-resistant varieties should be developed and propagated for use in areas of scanty rainfall. 
28) Forest and other grasses should be harvested during the monsoon season and converted into hay and then packaged, compressed and transported to user destinations, for use in seasons where there is fodder scarcity. Problem soils and wastelands should be developed into fodder resource banks. 
29) Crop residues should be converted into energetic feed and oil-meals into proteins. The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying should have a special R&D fund to encourage institutions (both in public and private sector) to undertake result-oriented and time-bound projects in these areas. 
30) A Central Sector Scheme for establishing a database on various feed and fodder resources, feeding practices and consumption patterns in various agro-climatic zones should be evolved and implemented. The data base should be updated every two years. 
31) A separate Feed and Fodder Development Authority should be established, within the Department of Animal Husbandry, with necessary technical manpower to undertake inter-agency coordination in fodder production, fodder seed production, conservation and transport. 
32) Fodder Production and Demonstration Stations should be established at Divisional Headquarters in all the States, on the lines of the Regional Stations set up by the Central Government at seven places. 
33) Budgetary provision under the Scheme ‘Assistance to States for Feed and Fodder Development should be enhanced. The States be asked to prepare realistic and result oriented projects for fodder development. The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying should ensure that all the funds that are allocated is fully utilised at the end of each Annual Plan. 
34) The State Governments, particularly those where cattle population is large, should develop a system of having fodder reserves, just on the pattern of food grain reserves of Food Corporation of India. 
35) It should be made mandatory for Gaushalas, having land, to grow fodder crops, fodder trees and grasses. 
36) The States should develop and maintain pasture and fodder patches along water reservoirs, canals and rivers. 
37) Panchayat Raj Institutions, such as Gram Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis, should be encouraged to prepare proposals for developing pasture-lands. The district planning committees should take up these proposals on priority basis using united funds. 
38) It is desirable to put a ban on the use of combine harvesting machines in their present form, as the wheat straw is completely crushed in this mechanised process. Burning of standing crop residues should be prohibited. 
39) The development of fodder plants through the adoption of Tissue Culture techniques, should be encouraged. 
40) Fragmentary holdings should be consolidated as early as possible either by persuasion or legislation. Use of Khurpas should be banned, since this implement erases the grass by the root. Strategies for dealing with stray and ‘so-called’ useless or dry cattle 

1) Establishment of Village Gosadans in each village
2) Establishment of Cow Sanctuaries in each State
3) Establishment of Cattle Colonies - Some of the Cow Sanctuaries should be selected for developing as Cattle Colonies
4) Establishment of a National Cattle Colony - The Central Govt. may consider to develop a ‘National Cattle Colony’ in the Sevan grass area of Jaisalmer district. Good indigenous breeds of cattle like Tharparkar may be kept there. Details are given in Paragraph 52 of the Report of the Committee
5) A Scheme for Eco-Friendly Cow-based Village Development should be evolved,
V. Committee on Breed Improvement & Preservation
Breeding Policy 1. The Government should review its breeding policy and provide more emphasis to conservation of indigenous breeds. If required, a separate policy for conservation of indigenous cattle breeds and their germplasm should be drawn up and translated into an implementable programme. 
2. Cross-breeding with exotic strains should be totally banned in the home tracts of the important cattle breeds and the ban should be strictly got implemented by the State Governments. 
3. A judicious mix of cross-breeding with exotic strains and preservation of indigenous germplasm should be maintained, while formulating the policy. Import of germplasm should be allowed only in very specific cases and after taking all the precautions to prevent the ingress of diseases into the country. 
Implementation of the Breeding Programmes 
4.Proper institutionalised monitoring mechanism be established from the Centre downwards, so that the implementation of the Breeding Policy directives is monitored closely. 
5. Directions should be given to the State Governments to draw up region-specific and breed-specific breeding strategies, programmes and plans to implement the conservation programme. 
6.Targets should be allocated to the concerned State Governments, in terms of actual numbers of cattleheads of the particular breed, infrastructure facilities such as sperm stations, bull farms etc. 
7.Regular review meetings should be held to consider the results achieved in terms of the physical and financial targets achieved, and corrective action taken wherever the targets are not met. 
8.The Centre in turn should provide adequate funding to the State Governments to implement the programmes and annual plans. Other sources of funding should also be tapped. (For example, the Haryana Government is reportedly collecting Rs.0.10 per litre of milk from Gopalaks/milk producers and the money goes into a fund, which is used
tosupplement the efforts for breed improvement. The Government expects to collect Rs.14crore through this method). 
Creation of scope for larger use of indigenous cattle breeds 
9. The States should be directed to specifically delineate and identify, in their respective breeding policies, the geographical boundaries of the areas where non-descript cattle should be upgraded by crossing with bulls of indigenous breeds. 
10. Once such areas are earmarked, no cross-breeding of non-descript cattle, other than with bulls of indigenous breeds, should be permitted. This measure will provide an incentive to the farmers in the breeding tracts to rear male stock of indigenous breeds up to the breeding age, as the demand will create a market for the bull semen or natural service. Consequently, the practice of disposing off the male calves for slaughter will be curbed to a large extent. 
Supply of good quality breeding material in the breeding tracts 
11. The status of the indigenous breeds needs to be evaluated afresh. This is not only because the composition of cattle in the breeding tract has changed, even the specimens and genetic make-up of the breeds have undergone changes over the past few decades. 
12. Breeds, which no longer find favour with the farmers, whatever the reason may be, should be identified and these breeds should be preserved only in the institutional farms, with improved conservation technologies. 
13. Breeds, which are accepted by the common farmer, should be developed through region-specific and breed-specific programmes, aimed at selection in the breeding tracts and supply of improved quality of germplasm for breeding of cattle for supply to farmers on demand. 
14.The progress of such programmes should be monitored through the institutional mechanism,recommended above tobe set up. 
15.For sourcing cross-bred bulls, the Military dairy farms should be used as a major source of contribution to the Bull production programme. 
Promotion of Breeders’ Organisations16. Government should encourage and promote the organisation and establishment of
 breed-specific associations to represent the requirements for development of particular indigenous breeds. 
17. Such Associations can then form a Federation at the apex level to take up issues with the Government either at the State or Central level. 
18. Government should accept the private sector players as partners in the efforts towards conservation of Indian breeds of cattle and achieve better results by involving them in a participatory manner. 
Enhancing the role of voluntary organisations - NGOs
19. An inventory of Goshalas/Gosadans/Pinjrapoles having good specimens of indigenous breeds of cattle should be drawn up, alongwith the details and numbers of cattle-heads. 
20. Such organisations should be designated with some appellation, which would distinguish them from other organisations maintaining other non-descript, aged or infirm cattle. For want of a better name, maybe the term ‘Goshala’ could be used, with other organisations, not having the indigenous specimens, being termed as Gosadans or Pinjrapoles only. 
21. Each such designated organisation should adopt only one or two breeds, depending on the strength and composition of their herds, and segregate them from the other cattle, which they may like to continue to maintain as part of their animal welfare role. A specific breed-improvement/conservation programme should be drawn up for each designated organisation in consultation and collaboration with Government agencies. 
22. Such organisations can also participate in the Government-sponsored programmes for rearing of male calves from weaning to maturity, for breeding purposes. The male calves on becoming bulls can then be supplied to farmers and other clients in the breeding tracts for mating with breedable females and for upgrading non-descript breeds in other areas. 
23. The designated organisations should also be provided with scientific and technical inputs and training for genetic evaluation and selection of germplasm for breed improvement and upgradation programmes. 
Use of Science and Technology
24. Scientific and technological intervention in breeding programmes should be urgently taken up as a priority by the concerned Governmental agencies. 
25. Technologies such as artificial insemination, frozen semen production, progeny-testing, embryo transfer technology (ETT) should be used, after proper evaluation, wherever required, so that modern up-dated scientific methods can be used to give a fillip to the programme for conservation, preservation and upgradation of breeds. 
26. The comparative advantages of Artificial Insemination and Natural Service, should be studied and the appropriate method should be adopted according to the specific needs, requirements and location of different areas. 
27. Monitoring cells for certification of sperm stations and bulls for frozen semen, should be established at the State levels and only certified semen should be used for AI, as suggested by the Working Group on Animal Husbandry set up for the Tenth Plan proposals. 
Statistical Date Base
28. A reliable data base should be developed with regard to all the details of indigenous breeds, including their breeding tracts, numbers, characteristics, genetic make-up, germplasm, the institutional farms where they are being preserved and / or conserved and so on. 
29. Data bases should also be developed with regard to non-descript , as well as cross-bred cattle. 
30. A proper distinction should be made in nomenclature and classification of indigenous breeds, especially the recognised breeds, separating them from non-descript varieties. This classification should be communicated to the data collectors at the filed level so that estimates of milk yield and other production data can be correctly collected. 
31. The Livestock Census must be conducted in a timely manner and, more importantly, the results compiled quickly. 
32. While taking the Cattle census, the data-collecting agency should also gather details about the indigenous breeds, such as the name of the breed to which the specimen belongs, age, productivity etc. 
33. If it is not feasible to collect the detailed data through the Livestock Census, which is conducted by laymen, as is the population census, a special Cattle Census should be got conducted in all the States, especially in the major cattle populated areas and breeding tracts to collect all the details. 
34. The data of the Cattle Census should be fed into the data-base and then up-dated from time to time through surveys and other statistical methods for data collection. 
35. A breeding network should be set up by computerising and net-working all AI outlets, sperm stations, breeding farms and Goshalas and other agencies involved in the production of breeding material and implementation of breeding programmes. 
36. Monitoring of all aspects and facets of the breeding activities should also be done through use of the computerised mechanisms and networks.                                     

Rajya Sabha’s Com. on Petitions Report on  Meat export  by the Chairman Sri Bhagat Singh Koshiyari MP

The Committee under the chairmanship of the BJP MP   Bhagat Singh Koshyari presented its 151th to the Rajya Sabha on the petition praying for review of Meat Export Policy.  The petition was submitted by former BJP MP  S.S.Ahluwalia and signed by Jainacharya Vijay Ratnasundarsuri, a resident of Mumbai and two others to the Council of States (Rajya Sabha). In their petition, they contended that the Meat Export Policy is violative of the various State Animal Preservation Laws viz. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. Besides this, the Law Commission of India in its 159th Report, the National Commission on Cattle in its Report submitted in 2002 and the Animal Welfare Board of India in its 67th Executive Committee meeting have recommended ban on meat export.
The Committee strongly condemned slaughtering of female milch buffaloes and recommended that the Government should immediately stop export of meat of female buffaloes. It alleged that despite regulation the procedure followed to certify each and every animal by the veterinary professionals is a mere formality and eyewash  as  veterinary inspectors succumb to inducements and pass animals not really unproductive as useless and fit for slaughter.  The Committee in this background strongly recommended for amendment in the current Foreign Trade Policy with reference to meat export policy S.No19 (a) Tariff item HS Code 0201 which reads as ‘Meat of  buffalo (both male and female) fresh and chilled as permissible items for export’ to read as ‘Meat of buffalo (strictly male only)’. It further recommended that all APEDA recognised export houses for meat export should not be allowed to export until they involve themselves in actual rearing of buffaloes.
It asked the Department of Animal Husbandry to undertake a National Survey in at least five districts of each state on a random basis to study the reasons for declining female buffalo population with each progressive year. It said that incessant increase of milk prices to the range of 20% year to year basis is an indication of a deeper malaise having created a mismatch between demand and supply of milk and recommends that Department of Animal Husbandry should initiate a pan India programme to organise Animal Husbandry on modern and scientific lines and also take steps for preserving and improving the breeds and prohibiting the slaughter of healthy and milch animals.
The Committee raised its concern over administration of abattoirs and their maintenance. The Committee recommended that the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare should send a team comprising of specialists to places like Aligarh and provide a status note on the sanitary conditions in areas in and around abattoirs and slaughter houses.
It also asked for random supervision by APEDA and laboratory testing of the products being exported so as preventing any such violation. In case of detection of cow meat in export consignments the Committee recommends for strict and time bound action including cancellation of APEDA registration. The business of meat export may face new hurdles as the Committee on Petitions of Rajya Sabha has on Thursday strongly recommended for amendment in the current Foreign Trade Policy with reference to meat export policy (read as Meat of buffalo).  The Committee further recommended that all APEDA recognized export houses for meat export should not be allowed to export until they involve themselves in actual rearing of buffaloes and no new abattoirs should be registered by APEDA.  If the government accepts these recommendations, it will be a cripple blow for the meat industry which has been thriving since the government first introduced the Meat Export Policy in 1991-1992 to tide over the acute foreign exchange shortage in the country.

Report on Inspection of Slaughterhouses by Dr.SK Mittal
माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के आदेश पर कसाईखानो का निरक्षण इनकी और विभिन विधि विधानों का पालन की स्तिथि.
माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने जन याचिका ४४/२००४ का संज्ञान लेते हुए भारतीय जीव जन्तु कल्याण बोर्ड को कर्णाटक और केरल राज्यों में निरक्षण कर कसाईखानों में और राज्य में विभिन्न प्राणी सुरक्षा विधि विधानों के पालन और कसाई खानों की स्तिथि पर रपट देने का आदेश किया और इन दोनों राज्यों का प्रभारी और राष्ट्रीय सदस्य होने के कारण यह दायित्व मुझे सौंपा गया| दोनों राज्यों के ४२ जिलो का निरक्षण कर जो देखा और विभिन्न बैठकों में जानकारी मिली बोर्ड के माध्यम से माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय को सौंपी गयी जो गौरक्षा और विभिन्न कसाईखाना नियमो में प्रेरक बनी|
PETA ( People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) have filed the Writ Petition in the Supreme Court of India with regard to several violations of different Acts & Rules of Union & State Governments in transportation, inspection and Slaughter of Animals. PETA has listed Union of India, Animal Welfare Board of India & all the States in India as the respondents.
The prayer in the Writ Petition (Civil) No. 44/2004 includes the following:
1.     The State Governments to appoint statutory societies in the Districts for prevention of PAIN & SUFFERING of animals as mandated by PCA (Establishment of S.P.C.A.) Rules, 2001
2.     Animal Welfare Board of India to nominate persons and / or animal welfare organization under the Rule 9 of PCA (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001, to check illegal transportation of  animals by road or rail or on foot and to inspect the Slaughter houses in their respective Districts and submit it’s report
3.     Respondent  3 to 36 (States) to ensure that animals meant for slaughter conforms to transportation of Animals Rules, 1978 and PCA (Transportation on Foot) Rules, 2001
4.     Respondent 3 to 36 (States) to ensure that slaughter is conducted only in licensed / recognized slaughterhouses in their respective Municipal or local authority area, and to shut down all unauthorized slaughterhouses.
5.     Respondent 3 to 36 (States) to ensure that all slaughter houses are in conformity with the provisions of PCA (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001 and to close down all other slaughter houses as may be specified by Hon’ ble Court.
6.     Respondent 3 to 36 (States) to ensure that an animal is not slaughtered within the sight of other animal. Animal, which are pregnant, delivered with in 3 months, or under the age of 3 months or Certified by the Veterinary Doctor as unfit for slaughter should not be slaughtered.
7.     Respondent 3 to 36 (States) to ensure that only authorized or licensed persons   above 18 years of age) free from infectious or contagious diseases are employed in slaughterhouses.
8.     Respondent 3 to 36 (States) to ensure that reception area, resting grounds and lair ages are made available and 24 hours resting time allowed prior to slaughter as per Rules.
9.     Respondent 3 to 36 (States) to ensure that sufficient number of Veterinarians is appointed for ante mortem & post mortem certification.
10.  Penal clause in case of non-conformity to Rules and Regulation, as may be ordered by Hon` ble Supreme Court of India.
Honorable Supreme Court of India issued directions Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) as under“ In respect of the States of Kerala and Karnataka, A.W.B.I shall conduct in detail , examination of the Slaughter Houses and file report placing on record the state of affairs of the Slaughter houses and the compliance of the Rules aforesaid. The State Governments / Municipal Corporations and other concerned authorities were directed to fully co operate with A.W.B.I.”
Secretary, Animal Welfare Board of India  informed the Kerala State Government ,vide letter No. 9-5/2005 dated 8.11.2006, that Chairman AWBI has approved the inspection of slaughter Houses by Mr. S.K. Mittal, Member-AWBI and Mr. A.G. Babu, Secretary Idduki SPCA & requested Mr. S.K. Mittal for necessary Co-ordination.
Government of Kerala, Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Thiruananthpuram, issued the Order No. E2.39562/2004 Dt.7.12.2006 deputing Dr. Surendranath Sr. Vet. Surgeon for North Kerala, Dr. Umamaheshwaran-Sr. Vet Surgeon for Central Kerala & Dt. C.Ramesean Babu-Sr. Vet. Surgeon for Southern Kerala for conducting the inspection of Slaughter houses along with AWBI representatives The list of Slaughterhouses functioning under Department of Local Self Government was provided on 5th Jan., 2007. BUT, list of Slaughter Houses  functioning under Gram Panchayat Dept., is not provided at all. 
On receipt of Kerala Government order on 27th Dec., 2006, Principal Secretary, Urban Development, Government of Kerala was contacted and inspection tour program was finalized to start on 5th Jan., 2007.
Objective and basis of Inspection in Kerala :
As per the prayer made in WP (Civil) 44/2004, the main objective was decided to examine the status of :
·        PAIN & SUFFERING of animals.
·        Methods of transport of animals
·        Availability of resting area and lair age
·        the transportation of  animals by road or rail or on foot,
·        Statutory societies in the Districts 
·        slaughter is conducted only in licensed / recognized slaughter houses in their respective Municipal or local authority area,
·        slaughter houses are in conformity with the provisions of PCA (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001
·        ensure that an animal is not slaughtered within the sight of other animal. Animal which are pregnant or delivered with in 3 months or under the age of 3 months or Certified by the Veterinary Doctor as un fit for slaughteronly authorized or licensed persons  ( above 18 years of age) free from infectious or contagious diseases are employed in slaughter houses.
·        reception area, resting grounds and lair ages are made available and 24 hours resting time allowed prior to slaughter as per Rules.
sufficient number of Veterinarians are appointed for ante mortem & post mortem  certification.
Implementation of different State & Union Acts & Rules on animal supply, transport, slaughter houses, sale of carcass, effect on health and hygiene of consumer and exchequer.                                     
Acts and Rules governing Slaughter houses, supply & Transportation of animal to Slaughter houses, Sale of Carcass, disposal of liquid & solid waste etc.
·        Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960
·        PCA Act -Transportation of Cattle Rules, 1978
·        PCA Act- Transportation of animal Rules 2001
·        PCA Act (Slaughter Houses) Rules, 2001
·        Indian Penal Code 427 & 429 & 153-A
·        Kerala Motor Vehicle Rule, 1989 Rule No. 97
·        Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (Slaughter houses & Meat Stall Rules)
·        Kerala Municipality Act,
·        Keral Pollution Control Act & Rules
·        Hon’ble Supreme Court Order DT. 29.03.05 in W.P. (Civil) No.309/2003 Lakshminaryan Modi Vs. Govt. of India & others.
List of S. H. functioning in Blocks & Gramas was not provided by the Govt. Total 889 Licensed Slaughter houses are reported in Sample Survey Report. But on verification number of Meat Stall Licenses are found included in this figure. As per Public information this number is crossing 3000. Many Slaughterhouses are closed by Kerala State Pollution Control Board and are in process of renovation or new Construction thanks to Directions in W. P (Civil) 309/2003 by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
General Observations
·   Kerala 80% population i.e. more than 25 million are reported consuming Beef or Mutton @ 3.5 KGS every month or say 40 KGS / year. 40% is estimated mutton & 60 % Beef . As per this assumption 4,00,000 MT Mutton & @. RS. 180 per KGS i.e. RS. 7200 Crores &  6,00,000 MT  Beef @. RS. 90/- per KGS i.e. RS. 5400 Crore or total RS. 12,600 Crore / year. Apart from huge Export turnover
·    To get 4,00,000 MT Mutton app. 26.50 million Goat & Sheep and to get 6,00,000 MT- Beef app. 3 million Cattle are slaughtered in registered – unregistered – Licensed – Unlicensed – Legal – illegal – Civic administration – Gram Panchayats slaughter houses.
·        As Kerala state do not have live stock to meet this huge requirement and it’s live stock is depleted in alarming speed. So, State is transporting Live Stock from nearby States. & Transportation of animals violating provisions of Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960 PCA Act -Transportation of Cattle Rules, 1978, PCA Act- Transportation of animal Rules 2001, Indian Penal Code 427 & 429 & 153-A, Kerala Motor Vehicle Rule, 1989 Rule No. 197 etc seen in whole STATE.
·        Most of the official Slaughter houses working under the control of bidders / contractor  . The bid amount per year is found very negligible say RS. 20,000/- per year though responsibility of maintenance , Ante Mortem, Post Mortem etc lies with Civic administration. Unlicensed Slaughter houses are reported in each and every corner. Gross violation of  Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960, Kerala Panchayat Ran Act, 1994 (Slaughter houses & Meat Stall Rules)- Kerala Municipality Act, Kerala Pollution Control Act & Rules, Hon’ble Supreme Court Order DT. 29.03.05 in W. P. (Civil) No. 309/2003 , ( Lakshminaryan Modi Vs. Govt. of India & others.) is observed. It can be called as failure of System & Government machinery under some invisible pressures.
·        This is resulting apart from violation of all Acts, Rules & Hon’ble Supreme Court Directions and resulting in supply of unhygienic food to more than 25 million consumers of the State. It may result is very bad health hazards.
·        Hygiene condition of all the Slaughter houses  are very poor, as can be seen in different photographs. Most of the slaughter houses are situated in residential vicinities, using same drainage system, polluting whole area and Ground Water Level. Even Cochin Slaughter house is draining waste in Sea water.
·        Normal Slaughter house functioning starts early mornings. In most of the Slaughter houses, it ends before 8 AM morning. As Slaughter houses are located in residential areas and animal dealers / slaughter house contractors / meat stalls owners are localized in the same area, animals are brought same house day morning for slaughter. No resting time of minimum 24 hours is observed in any Slaughter Gross violation of PCA  (Slaughter  House ) Rules is observed.
·        Water is important element required in plenty in this industry and this facility is found lacing in most of the Slaughter houses.
·        Drinking water facilities are available through Tap water. Many places, it is used for other purposes.
·        Separate enclosures for different species of animals are not available in most of Slaughter housesSlaughtering in the presence of other animals was the general scene in almost all the Slaughter houses which is a great violation of PCA Act.
·        Halal is the uniform method adopted in all the Slaughter houses. Sticking ( cutting the major blood vessel in throat ) is the method adopted  in all the Slaughter houses and blood is collected in small vessels at many places. It is reported sold to illicit liquor manufacturers.
·        Skinning and hiding of animals are done mostly on the floor though hangers / hooks are seen at many places. Even mechanization was seen at number of slaughter houses with huge Government investment but same is found in destroyed and in non operative condition.
·        Health Checkup of Butchers is not in practice. There is no age bar also witnessed. There is no notified regulation in implementation in whole State.
·        The butchers & other persons were found using water in the tub / tank. At most of the places, no wash basin, bathroom etc were found.
·        Facilities for inspection of CARCASS and VISCERA is not found in any Slaughter house.
·        The Skin & hide, Offal, horn, and hooves  are collected & disposed  same day.
·        Flooring and walls even in slaughtering hall are only Cemented. At some places, in spite of washing, blood could not be washed. This inspection was not a surprised one. So, every where a trial was made to show high cleanliness. BUT a place which is not cleaned since years, can not be cleaned in one day or by sprinkling bleaching powder.
·        Solid waste is found dumped in the back yards. Most of the places, it is removed by Municipal Trucks on periodical basis. Bad smell was a normal complaint from the neighbors.
·         Blood and other liquid waste is seen drained through public drainage system. Open flowing was also seen at many places. Maintenance of Sanitation ad Hygiene by the Civic authorities were found to be lacking. 
·        Kerala Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 RULE 197 very clearly restricts the Transportation of Animals and directs the provision of Illicit slaughter is reported in whole State. Though list of app. 40 Slaughter Houses was provided but as per Sample Survey Even Government Report Number is 889 and public information crosses 3000. During the meeting with STATE level officials, it was gathered that Block & Gram Panchayats are functioning under elected representatives and functioning under their govern & dictate only.
·        The consumption pattern & number of Consumers, 95% demand is being met by these illicit Slaughter houses in violation of all applicable State & Central Acts & Rules. Apart from violation of different statutory provisions, of health & hygiene of consumers, workers & neighbors is at STAKE. 
·        Ante Mortem & Post Mortem of the animals and Carcass system is invisible even in all so called authorized Slaughter houses. The carcass used by millions of consumers is resulting in supply of unchecked contaminated food. Sign of diseases like Anthrax, Chicken Guinea are reported.   This needs immediate attention of all concerned. One big reason is felt unaccountability. The traders, involved in this trade weather  bringing animals from other States or getting slaughtered, or selling carcass in Meat Stalls, are not in any kind of Tax net, nor in any other statutory Check. They are getting control of slaughter houses also in auction, without any binding  on them for maintenance, Ante Mortem or Post Mortem, waste management, Cleanliness, etc. Operation Records were not found in most of the Slaughter houses
·        At some Slaughter houses, Veterinary officials of Animal Husbandry Department are called by Civic authorities either on petty honorarium or as an additional duty. Each Ante Mortem & Post mortem takes at least 5 minutes and animals are  brought for slaughter same morning, than practically, one Vet. Doctor   can not check  animal more than 50 in a day. Whereas, in many Slaughter houses number crosses even 1000 animals / day. As a matter of fact, Slaughter houses shall be treated as an Industry and not as a free Service.
1.     PAIN & SUFFERING of animals.?  Yes  Very painful. Complete violation of PCA ACT seen in all the slaughter houses.
2.     Methods of transport of animals ? Very Cruel.
3.     Availability of resting area and lair age ? At few places. There also not used as per statutory requirements
4.     the transportation of  animals by road or rail or on foot ?    By Road Transport & on foot- Complete violation of PCA Transport of Cattle Rules & Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rule 74 is observed
5.     Statutory societies in the Districts ?  . District SPCA & State Animal Welfare Board are constituted. But not functioning – as required
6.     Slaughter is conducted only in licensed / recognized slaughter houses in their respective Municipal or local authority area ?  No- Even State Government accepts existence of unlicensed Slaughter houses though all Beef & Mutton Stalls are counted as Slaughter houses
7.     Slaughter houses are in conformity with the provisions of PCA (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001?   NO  Gross violation is seen
8.     Ensure that an animal is not slaughtered within the sight of other animal  Animal which are pregnant or delivered with in 3 months or under the age of 3 months or Certified by the Veterinary Doctor as un fit for slaughter ? No.  Not observed. No control on pregnant animal or delivered with in 3 months
9.     Only authorized or licensed persons(above 18 years of age) free from infectious or contagious diseases are employed in slaughter houses.?  No Check& no medical check up system in practice
10.  reception area, resting grounds and lair ages are made available and 24 hours resting time allowed prior to slaughter as per Rules.?      No
11.  sufficient number of Veterinarians are appointed for ante mortem & post mortem  certification?   No
12.  .Implementation of different State & Union Acts & Rules on animal supply, transport, slaughter houses, sale of carcass, effect on health and hygiene of consumer and exchequer?    Gross violation of all statutory requirements are in practice
1.   SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Question of not only cruelty, violation of acts & rules, loss to exchequer  but it raises question of health of more than 35 million meat eaters & health of millions of residents residing nearby slaughter houses.
2.   The major question is to ensure the checking of animals before & after slaughter as it relates to health of consumer. For this ante mortem & post mortem are statutory requirement but the system is failed. We want to suggest the onus be shifted from civic bodies & be put on animal owner / person offering the animal for slaughter and taking carcass to meat stall.
3.   There are  more than 4,000 veterinary degree  holders  spread in each & every corner of state. Area wise penal of these doctors shall be formed.
4.   A fee per ante mortem & post mortem per animal be fixed. Say, rs. 25/- per big animal & Rs. 10 /- per small animal. Which shall be paid along with animal offered. Maximum number of ante mortem & post mortem per doctor be fixed. Say, 50 numbers a day.
5.     These doctors shall certify, & shall held responsible, for fitness of animal as per all statutory requirements and shall submit their report in writing to concerned department.
6.   Cost of ante mortem & post mortem on the assumed quantity of 48.50 million small animals @ rs. 10/- & 3.60 million big animals @rs. 25/- comes to rs. 57.50 crores. Against turnover of rs. 16,700 crores. I.e. 0.34%  or say 0.40 paisa per kg. To ensure the health of 35 million citizen, and saving hundreds of crores of medicine bills, this cost is very meager.
7.   Different government agencies shall be warned and responsibility with penal proceedings be fixed on report of violation and their non  action .
8.        SPCA at district level & state animal welfare board at state level shall monitor working of slaughter houses & shall report periodically to animal welfare board of india.
9.        Directions issued by honorable supreme court of india in wp ( civil) . 309/2003  in laxmi narayan modi v/s govt. Of india & others  are not being implemented. We bring to the kind notice of hon’ ble supreme court and suggest that status report shall be called and
10.     action be initiated against defaulting agencies.
11.     In general, slaughter houses shall be treated as an industry and needed modernization shall be implemented fulfilling the norms established under different statutes & where ever, required site be shifted in interest of public health & hygiene.
12.     Effective implementation of rules with regards to transportation, sale, purchase, sanitation, waste management etc. Shall be implemented by different agencies. 

Karnataka State GOSEVA AYOG Inspection Report and status of LiveStock and implementation of Union & State Acts & Rules
To coordintate the cow progeny releted activities of several departments 1n 1995 Sri Rajnath  Singh then UP Chief Minister constituted UP State Goseva Ayog. In line, Rajasthan, Madhya Prasesh, Gujarat Chhatishgarh, Punjab Hariyana and Karnataka constituted Goseva Ayog.
These Ayogs dented successfully the problems in the leadership of  Sri Parmanand Mittal,Sri Radheshyam Gupta, Sri Bhanvarlal Kothari, Sri Chinnu Bhayi Patel, Sri Vallabh Bhayi Kathiriya, Sri Meghraj Jain, Sri Keemti Bhagat, Dr. SK Mittal in their respective States
Karnataka State Goseva Ayog vide Gazzate Notification No. Dt.5.2.2013 and apart from (1)Principle Secretary Animal Husbandry & Fisheries, (2)Revenue, (3)Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, (4)Home, (5)Animal Husbandry commissioner, (6)Agriculture Commissioner, (7)Director APMC & animal Husbandry & Vet. Srvices(Member Secretary) etc as Ex officio Members arnataka State Goseva Ayog  is being constituted &  notified on 5th of Feb., 2013.
There are 11 Non Government and 9 officials Ex officio members nominated to  the Ayog  viz. .
1.      PrincipleSecretary AnimalHusbandry & Fisheries
2.      PrincipleSecretaryRuralDev. & Panchayat Raj
3.      Principle Secretary Home
4.      Principle Secretary Urban Development
5.      Principle Secretary Revenue
6.      Commissioner Agriculture
7.      CommissionerAnimal Husbandry &Vet Services
8.      Director APMC
9.      DirectorAnimalHusbandry(Member Secretary)
The Function of Ayog are here as under as notified by the Government
Clause 11: The Ayog shall discharge following functions for the betterment of he livestock in the State namely:
Clause 10: Registration of Institutions in Karnataka is the 1st object which will enable the Ayog to extend helping hand towards them
1)     to ensure protection provided to Cattle under State Acts, Union acts, Laws, for the time being in force.
2)     And to ensure proper and timely implementation of the Laws and to propose remedial measure to concerned Departments of the State Government or any body or Authority owned or controlled by the State Government as is responsible for such implementation to make the more effective 
3)     proper and timely implementation of programs of the State Government under present and future Goshala Development Scheme;
4)     to ensure care and management of cattle seized for violation of any enactment for the time being in force
5)     to ensure proper care and management of infirm and aged cattle maintained by any institution;
6)     to supervise and inspect the institutions registered and proposed to be registered with the Ayog
7)     to suggest such measures which may be helpful in strengthening of he institutions which are economically weak’
8)     To give financial assistance to the institutions subject to such terms and conditions specified by the State Government from time to time
9)     to enquire into complaints in the functioning of any institution;
10)  to perform such other functions as may be specified to it by the State Government
11)  to assist in implementation of the Act and such other Laws to be enacted in respect of Cattle welfare
12)  to take custody of the agricultural Cattle sized under the Act and to entrust them to the nearest Goshala, Gosadan or any other Cattle protection institution or to any person pending the disposal of the prosecution proceedings;
13)  to promote educational activities in Primary and Higher studies on Safety Laws, preservation, Goshala management and other related activities;
14)  to participate in State, National and International level on animal welfare activities and to attract contributions and suggestions;
15)  to implement programs entrusted by Government or non Government agencies
16)  to appoint Honorary Animal welfare Officers with such regulations as may be issued by the Government from time and such honorary Animal Welfare Officer shall work for implementation of he Act and co ordinate with concerned authorities and departments Karnataka State is blessed with number of famous cow breeds like Amrutmahal, Deveni, Kangyam Haalidkar, Krishnavally, Malanad Gidda, Khillar etc famous for high quality milk and draught power.
As per Live Stock Census 2007, there were Cattle 10,502,520 Buffaloes 4,326,980.making Karnataka 10th State in livestock and contributing app.3% to our state GDP.
A great source of Employment and Rural Development Karnataka is one of the leading States in milk production producing 32,00,000 Kg per day. Currently the State ranks second in milk production in the country. The Co-operative societies model has been very successful in the State.
The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) is the apex body of the milk co-operative societies procuring millions of Liter every day. There are 13 district level co-operative union with 11,036 primary milk co-operative societies. If properly developed, it can be number one State and can provide employment to millions and a vital tool in Rural development.
This app 15 million Cattle heards not only produce Milk BUT give birth to app. 5. million Calfs every year. It is directly related with our increasing Milk Production. We have app. average 150 Ltr Milk per cattle per lactation. That means for every 150 Ltr Milk we get one Cow (He or She) or Buffalo(He or She. And now it is a matter of simple airthmatic that how many Cattle births are taking in our State and where this increase is going. So the Report........
     As per the information geathered during visit to several Districts, there is certain short fall of 15-25% during 2007-8 to 2012-13. Instead of any growth. Following details will confirm that more than 50 Lakh Cow, Calf & Buffalo are illegally transported to State & Inter State Slaughter houses every year
    As per Live Stock Sample Survey State was possessing below 1 year female 18.99Lakhs 1 to 3 years 15.14 lakhs = 34.14. Lakhs and Male 1 year 8.04 & 1 to 3 years5.62 = 13.66 lakhs
    This figure shows the quantum of new Birth every year and if we take birth of male and female equal than Female are 34.13 lakhs where as Male are only 13.66 lakhs. We can presume that app. 21 Lakh male Calveshas been sent to Slaughter houses even before their 3 year age for calf beef (Veil) and Calf leather. Same infrence can be taken that in spite of recorded births which shall be app. 55 lakhs every year, no increase is visible in live Stock.
    This fact can be proved with Datas of Milk production. It is universal truth that milk production is based on cattle birth. With out Calve birth a Cow will not give milk. State Milk production is increasing leap and bounds. KMF alone is procuring app. 54 Lakh Litre Milk per day. As per National Data in 2010-11 State produced 51,14,000 MT of Milk and average milk yeild per Cow or buffalo is app 2.4 Liter per day and per lactation of app 254 days it is app.365 Ltr or say a Calf birth is required for each 610 Kgs of milk i.e app.83.83 Lakh Calves in 18 months or say 55.89 Lakh per year.
    Our finding clear and verify that app. 50 Lakh Cow, Calves & Buffalo are going to Slaughter houses in the State and Out side the State.
    This large number of Cow Calves and Buffalos are purchsed and 90% at APMC Yards @ App. RS.5,000 per cattle or say RS. 2,500 Crore and transported to Kerala, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu & Maharashtra. This livestock generate
Beef   10,00,000 MT  @ RS.275/- per Kg  RS.27,500 Crore
Bone   1,00,000 MT.  @  RS.  30/- per Kg        300 Crore
Animal Fat 30,000 MT@ RS.100/- per Kg         300 Crore
Leather  50,00,000      @ RS.3,000/-.perPc    1,500 Crore
Blood    60,000 KL    @ RS.   50/- per Ltr      300 Crore                                                                                                                                                             
                                  Total  RS.29,900 Crore
   This Excess amount of app RS. 27,500 Crore is unchecked,  untaxed, and not providing any revenue rather
State is spending huge tax payer amount in Slaughter house opening, maintenance and in public hospitals in citizen treatment.
Meat eaters are deprived of cheap and qualitative Beef & Meet due to illegal Inter State Transportation
Breeders and Farmers are deprived of Quality and strudy Cattle in compitition to Slaughter and inter state demand.
As per  information Around 10% of amount is spent as bribe to different concerned Departments.
State endevour of high milk production by spending huge subsidy, is hampering due to illegal Cattle transportation.
Adultrated Milk made from Urea & Detergent is playing with the health of next generation
Farmers are comitting Suside due to increased cost of Cultivation and fertilizer.             
Inspection Report
‘Comission’ was receiving information from different parts of the State about illegal, unhygenic cruel transportation of Cattle particularly to adjoining States resulting in reduction of Live Stock . So a decesion was taken that all the Districts shall be inspected and problem be discussed with different District’s administration.
I started Tour and main concentration was on border Districts following District are visited
1.Chamarajanagar 2.Kudagu 3.Mysore 4.Hassan 5.UttarKanada 6.Udupi 7.Shimoga 8.Dharwad 9.Bagalkot 10.Bijapur 11.Bidar 12. Gulbarga 13. Mandya 14 Dakshin Kannada 15 Bangalore etc
I requested respected Dy. Commissioners to arrange meeting in their respective offices with CEO Zilla Panchayat, Dy.Director Animal Husbandry & his officials, Asst/ Dy. Director APMC, Superintendent of Police, RTO, Dy. Conservator of Forest, Municipal Commissioner , Members od District SPCA, Representatitives of Animal Welfare Organisations. In many districts, I visited inter state Borders, APMC Yards, Meat Markets, Slaughter places, RTO Check posts, Gaushala & Pinjrapoles  etc to have fair idea.
I am submiting this Report to Government of Karnataka and all concerned officials for eye opening & to save our State from drastic results.For better implementation,  Department wise Report is here as under:              REPORT ON APMC
Agro Produce Marketing Department (APMC) is a revenue earning department of our State. It functions under the provisions of Karnataka APMC (Regulation) Act. 1966. Cattle is item NO.1 in Schedule ‘A’. Sale and Purchase of Cattle is regulated as per the provisions applicable on other Scheduled commodities
We visited number of APMC Yards and saw thousands of Cattle coming for marketing.
We saw Scores of Trucks for loading and transporting these cattle to Slaughter houses inside and out side the State. We enquired with many Drivers and they also confirmed. We have drawn list of Trucks, regularly commiting the henious crime.
We tried to see the records and found that in spite of heavy Cattle  transection, Collection of Fee is meger.
We saw the presence of ‘Dalali’ Cattle brokers and public report says that app. 80% cattle are purchased by them, 5-8% by breeders and FARMERS AND only 10-12% return untransected.
As these Dalals (Butcher’s agents) purchase in terms of cattle weight, it deprive our Breeders and Farmers of livestock at resonable price. Certainly, they can not compete these Dalali
All above transctions are in violation of APMC ACT & also attracts provisions of Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter & Cattle Preservation Act, 1964, Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rules etc.
The matter was raised in all respective meetings and APMC officials shown total ignorance of APMC Rules applicable on Cattle transections
In total: we saw utter violation of All Acts and Rules, Loss of Revenue, non recording of entry and transection at all APMCs visited.
A fair estimate is that app. 1,20,000 Cattle are transected every week in different APMC Yards but reported only 2-3,000 every week. A loss of app. RS.10-15 million to our Exchequer.
REQUEST to Director A.P.M.C. to intervene in the matter, issue necessary Directions, renew Directions as issued by Director APMC in 1999. Take strong action against irring officials.
Animal Husbandry Department is serving State Live Stock. District Dy. Director is Ex officio Member Secretary of District SPCA where CEO Zilla Panchayat is Chairman, SP is Vice Chairman &
RTO, Municipal Commissioner, DFO etc are members. All Dy.
Directors, Taluq Asst. Directors, Vet. Officers are named as Competent Authorities in above ACT. Department is managing State Government Schemes & Grants and also responsible for monitoring Transportation, Anti & Post Maurtem of Slaughtering animals & Carcass.
We found AH&VS Asst. Directors involved is supporting illegal transportation by issuing Animal Health Certificates. There is no system or control on issuance nor any reporting or record maintanance at any level.
Even the Certificates are issued on non prescribed formate in violation of Union Government’s PCA Act, 1960 and in spite of clear direction that no certificate can be issued for more than 6 animals in a vehicle, we found the Certificates issued for 20-25 animals.
Presence of AH&VS officials are not seen in any APMC Yard on the day of transections
Anti Mautem or Post Mortum is not seen in slaughter places, where is the question of monitoring even legal slaughter houses. Carcas at Meat Shops seen un Checked and un stamped, vigarusly playing with the health & hygine of meat consumer.
We found the forged, Scanned Certificates being in use by illegal criminal transporters – a matter of grave concern.
We found non co operation of other departments even if AHVS officials inform or request to book the case. As example Gulbarga APMC PS refused to book the complaint even after VO brought seized Cattle to PS
We visited many State Borders and found that Inter State Borders are unchecked and with out any Inter State Check Posts particularly in Belgaum, Dharwad, Uttar Kanada, Bagalkot, Bidar,Gulbarga etc districts.
These Districts don’t have any RTO, Police, Exise, APMC, Commercial Tax etc Checkposts and resuting in illegal transportation particularly in case of Cattle and Carcass.
In District meetings we conversed with respective Transport officers and found the Crime booking under above Rules are totally non existing. As per fair estimate, app. 200 thousand Trucks travel on State Roads carrying Cattle & / or Carcass in violation of State & Union Acts & Rules. Where even Check posts are seen BUT found totally ineffective.
Regular offenders are unchecked in spite of Cases booked in different Courts.
We are producing List of Regular offending Transporters in Mysore, Chamarajanagar, Hassan etc areas for immediate action.
The Karnataka Police is known as one of the best FORCE in the nation. They are highely educated, learned, soft speaking person in all matters BUT in Cattle related CRIME their prsence is not strongly felt. May be due to high Political pressure or over Burdon
·   Unwanted delays in registering FIR, resisting in putting IPC Sections, and providing time to illegal traffickers to assemble and create law and problem etc are reported at many places
·   Unofficially informing the political pressure and un written instructions are reported
·   Ignorance of proper procedure, Rules and Sections is also reported
·   Investigation in animal related cases are not taken up to last point as to reach the real culprit other wise this crime would had been restricted much earlier
·   We raised this point with Director General of Police during the meeting held in June, 2013 and we are still waiting for any direction.
·   We discussed the matter during different meeting held in District Dy. Commissioner offices and Range IGPs Commissioner of Police etc and always got assurances.  Sugestion & Report
·        Karnataka Goseva Ayog is trying very hard to create awareness among concerned officials and request Honorable Chief Minister, Ministers, Chief Secretary, Director General of Police, Principal Secretaries, Commissioners, Directors to intervene and issue necessary Directions , Guidelines and monitor the implementation of All Acts & Rules in letter and spirit and stop illegal Slaughter & transportation of Cattle & Carcass .
·        Animal Husbandry Department shall ensure that no Animal Health Certificates are issued in violation of above Acts and also take action/ report to concerned District officials on finding the same. Dy. Director being Member Secretary of Mysore SPCA shall convene meetings regularly. Action against persons forging and misusing AH&VS Dept. name and Seal shall be initiated.
·        APMC officials shall implement the Directions of Director APMC Circular Sl. No. KM:33Rule 99 Dt.16.4.99.
·        Regional Transport Officers shall check Trucks carrying Cattle in violation of Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rules and report the matter for seizure to nearest Police Station. Appropriate action shall be initiated against violating Vehicle & drivers.
·        Municipal Commissioner / Officials shall check illegal slaughter places in also Cattle gowdons. Municipal Health officials shall check and restrict sale of unstamped Carcass. The source of unstamped Carcass at Meat shops can lead us to illegal slaughter places.
·        Forest officials shall check the Cattle carrying trucks crossing respective Forest Areas and also on walking under Wildlife Protection Act and report to nearest Police Station if they find violation of other above Acts & rules.
·        Police officials have to play vital role. One side they shall provide required security to all concerned officials. Motivate their intelligence wing to get feedback. Act on complaint and reports from Animal lovers. Book Cases under above mentioned Acts sand Rules. Investigate the matter in depth and reach to the actual consignee and consignor.
·        All concerned Police offices shall be directed to crack down on illegal Cow and Cattle slaughter and Transportation. 
·        Karnataka Police intelligence prepared list of illegal slaughter houses and must have reported on illegal transportation racket. Reports so received shall be shared and further called, particularly in interstate bordering Districts.
·        F.I.R s booked in illegal transportation shall be shared and informed to respective. R.T O with whom the vehicle is registered to initiate proceedings under Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rules.
·        Responsibility shall be fixed, reviewed in district, Range & State crime review meetings and erring official shall be suitably warned / punished.
·        Animal welfare Organization and animal activists shall be provided protection and timely and effective working ensured on information  provided by them shall be kept confidential.
·        Special Task force shall be constituted at least at District level
·        Cow and Cattle custody be only given to Animal Welfare Organization and not to accused in line with Honorable Supreme Court Directions
·        Investigation in booked cases shall ensure 1. Origin 2. consignor, Destination, Consignee, regularity etc.
·        15  Revenue officials viz. Tahasildars, Panchayat Development officials shall keep watch in their respective areas on animal related crimes, slaughter places, vehicles, meat shops  and seize / report to concerned officials for necessary action.
·        Encroachmenton Gomalaland shallbe identified&eviction proceedings shall be initiated  as per Hon’ble Supreme court Directions.
·        Animal shelters / Goshala / Pinjrapole shall be developed / promoted  at least one in each Taluk.
·        Electric generation and other products be propagated by the use of Bull power, cow dung, Cow urine & Milk etc.
·       On behalf of Karnataka State Goseva Ayog, I request following Dep to associate, co ordinate, report, meet direct subordinate officials In service to Speechless animal . I am sure that  if, we all come forward, join hands than, we will be able to curb the animal related CRIME to strengthen our Rural economy, employment, hygiene, woman empowerment and  state Exchequer
·       Dr. SK Mittal Member Karnataka State Goseva Ayog                  

कांग्रेस सरकार ने आयोग को भंग करने का प्रयास किया जिसे माननीयकर्णाटक उच्चन्यायालय ने निरस्त कर दिया था| परन्तु एक विशेषजाति के तुष्टिकरण हेतु गौसेवा आयोग के साथ में सौतेला व्यवहार किया गया परिणाम राज्य के गौधन सम्पदा में भयंकर गिरावट दर्ज की गयी है|   

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